Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Higher education Essay Example for Free

Advanced education Essay A Chronicle of Higher Education article expresses that solitary 34 percent of high-accomplishing secondary school seniors in the base quarter of family pay went to one of the 238 most specific universities, contrasted and 78 percent of understudies from the top quarter (Markell). Absolutely, these numbers show that understudies that originate from low salary families aren’t getting the open doors that they merit. With school costs going no place yet up, understudies from low-salary families face extreme choices. A few understudies decide to go to junior college while some settle on the choice to take out extra credits. There are additionally the individuals who decide to drop out on the grounds that they can no longer continue the expense of school. The individuals who don’t have the cash to go to a specific school are frequently not arriving at their maximum capacity. Subsequently, school cost ought to be brought down with the goal that more individuals can have the chance to get advanced education. Such a push is required; right off the bat, because of the consistent ascent in educational cost, advanced education is turning out to be less and more expensive for low-salary understudies. As indicated by the Journal of College Admission, from 1982 to 2007, school educational cost and expenses expanded by 439 percent, while middle family pay expanded by 147 percent. A year ago, the net expense at four-year state funded colleges added up to 28 percent of middle family salary, while a four-year private school or college devoured 76 percent of middle family pay (Mahoney). These numbers show that school cost has increased at a rate that has reliably outpaced the middle family salary and furthermore expansion. Patrick Callan, leader of the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, states, â€Å"If we go on along these lines for an additional 25 years, we won’t have a moderate arrangement of higher education†(Callan). Basically, if school cost doesn’t quit expanding it will become unreasonably expensive and many will decide not to get advanced education. Besides, there are numerous understudies who aren’t getting the open door that they merit since they can't manage the cost of it. At the most serious schools, just 14 percent of understudies originate from the lower 50 percent of families by salary (Perez-Pena). Some low-salary understudies who concentrate hard cant arrive at the recognition or testament. A New York Times article states, â€Å"While 2. 8 million understudies take a crack at some type of advanced education every year, most don't continue straight through to graduation. Just one out of five of the individuals who try out two-year establishments gain a partner degree inside three years, and just two of every five of the individuals who start four-year schools total their degrees inside six years†(Lewin). School being unbelievably costly is one reason understudies are not arriving at their maximum capacity. Access to advanced education has gotten progressively hard for low pay families, yet a higher education is a higher priority than at any other time in today’s economy. In reality, there’s no denying that school educational cost and costs aren’t modest. In the 2011-12 scholarly year, the normal net expense for a full-time understudy at an in state funded college was about $15,000 for educational cost, charges, room, load up, books and accidental costs, as indicated by the College Board (Clark). Four years of school costs around 60,000 dollars. Beside educational cost, undergrads likewise need to stress over different costs that accompany being an understudy. The individuals who don’t have enough to manage the cost of it are confronted with intense choices. As indicated by a New York Times article, around 7 out of 10 of the dropouts said they had no grant or credit help. Among the individuals who got degrees, just around four out of 10 abandoned such guide (Perez-Pena). Undergrads who originate from low-pay families are being compelled to take out extra advances to manage the cost of school. A few understudies decide to go to junior college while some settle on the choice to take out extra credits. There are likewise the individuals who decide to drop out in light of the fact that they can no longer support the expense of school. Regularly, understudies can't bear the cost of the typical cost for basic items while finishing an advanced degree. Surely, there are numerous reasons why understudies drop out of school, however the choice periodically has a great deal to do with cash. As per Public Agenda, an unprejudiced open arrangement research firm that directed a phone study of in excess of 600 individuals ages 22 to 30 for the report, â€Å"Of understudies overviewed, 58 percent said they didn't get any budgetary assistance from their folks or family members to pay educational cost or expenses, and 69 percent had no grants or monetary aid† (Johnson). The greater part of understudies are not being bolstered by their families or any other person so far as that is concerned. Likewise, more than one-portion of understudies are not getting any kind of grant or money related guide. The dropouts’ most well known arrangements were permitting low maintenance understudies to meet all requirements for monetary guide, offering more seminars on ends of the week and nighttimes, reducing expenses and giving kid care (Johnson). Most occasions, it’s just not feasible for an understudy to manage the cost of school costs. In addition, understudies who don’t have monetary assistance from family or are not lucky enough to get grants or awards are frequently constrained work to pay for school. The New York Times states, â€Å"The top explanation the dropouts gave for leaving school was that it was simply too difficult to even consider supporting themselves and go to class simultaneously. Adjusting work and school was a greater hindrance than discovering cash for educational cost, they said. Truth be told, in excess of 33% of the dropouts said that regardless of whether they got an award that secured their books and educational cost, it is difficult to return to class, given their work and family commitments† (Lewin). Basically, low-salary understudies are working while at the same time going to school. Numerous understudies think that its hard to track down an ideal opportunity to contemplate, in light of the fact that they are too bustling working low maintenance occupations in ready to pay for their training and different necessities. Those understudies who can't adjust school, work, and furthermore different things regularly wind up dropping out. A downturn in school educational cost would help those understudies who are needing assistance monetarily. Eventually, a decline in school cost would extraordinarily profit the bigger society. There will be more understudies who will have the option to manage the cost of advanced education. In light of this, advanced education will prompt better access to employments with more significant compensation and the widening of a school student’s social and mental skylines. Undergrads will likewise no longer need to stress over being covered in the red after school. As Obama, the 44th leader of the United States of America, states, â€Å"As a country, our future at last relies upon outfitting understudies like you with the abilities and instruction a 21st-century economy requests. On the off chance that you have the chance to arrive at your latent capacity and go the extent that your ability and difficult work will take you, that doesn’t simply mean a more lucrative activity or a took shots at a white collar class life †it implies a more grounded economy for every one of us. Provided that your age thrives, we as a whole flourish. What's more, I’m relying on you to assist us with composing the following incredible part in our American story† (Obama). At the end of the day, Obama accepts that advanced education can lead individuals to progress and that it is essential to the nation’s future. Lower school cost will prompt understudies arriving at their latent capacity. While the facts demonstrate that a reduction in school educational cost would simply prompt understudies who are not implied for school burning through their time, there are numerous understudies who are really scholarly material that can't stand to get advanced education. An investigation by the Hamilton Project at the Brookings Institution in Washington calls attention to that half of Americans in the top fourth of the salary dissemination have an advanced education. Among the least fortunate fourth of Americans, less than one out of ten moved on from school (Porter). Advanced education is transforming into a benefit for the higher society. The increasing expense of school is forestalling low-salary understudies from getting advanced education. A diminishing in school cost will give low-salary understudies more choices and it will profit the bigger society later on. At last, what is in question here is that understudies who can possibly prevail in school can't go to on the grounds that they need cash. School has transformed into a benefit for the higher society when it ought to be one’s right. Universities should be increasingly responsible for ensuring that their understudies graduate. Diminishing school cost will likewise diminish the quantity of understudies being in the red in the wake of completing school. Advanced education cost rising is causing low-salary understudies to be bolted out of advanced education. In this way, school cost ought to be brought down with the goal that more understudies will have the chance to get advanced education, particularly the individuals who need cash. Works Cited Clark, Kim. â€Å"How much does school really cost? † cnn. com. CNN. Web. 24 November 2013. Johnson, Jenna. â€Å"Majority of school dropouts refer to budgetary battles as primary driver. † The Washington Post. The Washington Post, 8 December 2009. Web. 24 November 2013. Lewin, Tamar. â€Å"College Dropouts Cite Low Money and High Stress. † New York Times. New York Times, 9 December 2009. Web. 24 November 2013. Mahoney, John L. Contemplations In Troubled Times. Diary Of College Admission 209 (2010): 4-6. Scholarly Search Complete. Web. 24 November 2013. Markell, Jack. The most effective method to Give Low-Income Students The Chance They Deserve. Account Of Higher Education 60. 6 (2013): A27. Scholastic Search Complete. Web. 24 November 2013. Obama, Barack H. â€Å"President Obama on Early Childhood Education. † Remarks by the President on Early Childhood Education. Decatur Community Recreation Center, Decatur, Georgia. 14 February 2013. Perez-Pena, Richard. â€Å"Efforts to Recruit Poor Students Lag at So

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Feature Article on Belonging with Unseen Text

English Paper One: The Extended Response When you ask individuals what they despise the most about English the dominant part will say composing expanded reactions. Expositions, addresses, include articles they all reason extraordinary misery to the poor HSC understudies who need to keep in touch with them. I accept this disposition is for the most part because of the way that a lot of understudies basically don’t realize how to develop a reaction. They don’t realize how to build a proposal explanation, or compose contentions that can be upheld up by literary help. Every one of these understudies need is a little help, data on the best way to compose something that serves it purpose.So here is that help, that smidgen of help that will assist you with getting the best grades conceivable in your all-inclusive reaction for Belonging. Separating the reaction into its essential components makes the entire procedure much simpler and permits you to concentrate on what is extrem ely significant. To show this let’s investigate Arthur Miller’s 1953 play The Crucible, and Jean Rhys’1966 tale Wide Sargasso Sea. First up, the postulation explanation: The most significant piece of any exposition is building up a strong theory proclamation that sets up the tone and structure for your essay.It is a contention about a particular part of having a place/not having a place which you can apply to various writings. Your writings are the proof with which you strengthen your theory. It’s best to get ready three proposition thoughts and on the day structure two theory articulations which best the inquiry you are given. For instance, you could plan thoughts regarding the nexus between place, force, franticness and ladies. On the day, if the inquiry is about how having a place is impacted by associations with places, you can form your readied thoughts into a postulation that fits this question.For model: Connection to put brings out a passionate co nnection through shared understanding and shared qualities. Numerous instructors like you to utilize two sentences in your theory; and address the principal half of it in the initial segment of your article and the second in the subsequent half. Along these lines, you could extend your proposition to be: Connection to put inspires a passionate connection through shared understanding and shared qualities. In addition, to feel distanced or disengaged from a spot frequently implies an individual is irritated from the social and social qualities f this spot. This initial segment of your paper should address the initial segment of the proposal, utilizing a key scene from the center content. Mill operator utilizes the type of the political tale to remark basically on the American McCarthy period, and the dread of socialism. His analysis features how a constructive association with a gathering in the public eye established through shared qualities and experience can make individuals misuse the force they have so as to hold it. Your theory proclamation must incorporate the inquiry, yet in addition your own convictions about belonging.You need to contend it so it is better on the off chance that you put stock in what you are contending. After you have tended to the initial segment of the postulation you could proceed to state. For instance, Danforth manufactures a constructive association with Salem as he perceives that he can practice the full degree of his control over the individuals. When Danforth’s respectability is addressed, Miller’s utilization of non-serious inquiries features his need to keep up power inside the network, â€Å"And do you realize that close to 400 are in the correctional facilities upon my mark? What's more, seventy-two sentenced to hang by that signature? In this scene, it would likely be insightful to likewise remark on the setting of Millers play, the court and how weak people can improve their situation in the public eye and manufacture a feeling of having a place by joining the greater part. For this you could utilize the case of Cheever, a man who has increased a lot of intensity through the court, â€Å"I am an authority of the court, I can't keep it†. Building supporting contentions: As the postulation is the point you are contending it is savvy to back it up also to what has been done above.You need to help you contention regardless, it is fundamental, in any case there is no good reason for the reaction. This beginnings with a theme sentence, exchanging over to our related content (Jean Rhys’ tale, Wide Sargasso Sea) for some assortment. For instance: Antoinette has fashioned a positive association with her home at Granbois on the grounds that she knows through experience that just there is sans she from the mocking of society. This point sentence is directly from the initial segment of the proposition statement.The key terms are taken out and shaped to fit into a thought that can b ack up what your postulation proclamation is stating. Your supporting contention would be caused finished with investigation to back it to up. Antoinette’s sentiment of having a place with her house is foregrounded in the exaggeration, when she announces to Rochester: â€Å"This is my place and everything is our ally. † Rhys utilizes this to summon a relentless certainty inside Antoinette. Getting this certainty place into the closer view elevates the audience’s consciousness of her death as Rochester separates this connection.How to coordinate printed support: The passages above have contentions, in light of the theory proclamation that have been upheld up with literary help. Literary help is one of the most significant parts of any all-inclusive reaction as it backs up you contentions. You are basically drawing models from your content and breaking down them to demonstrate your point. This procedure of investigation is called TEE, strategy, model, impact. This strategy joined with your theme sentence makes up a section, which thusly, make up your whole reaction. For example:Abigail is separated from Salem through her incendiary conduct as she doesn’t watch the social and social estimations of this spot with respect to the desires for ladies being latent and submissive. There is the contention, in view of the second piece of the theory proclamation. Take, for instance, the discourse in act one between John Proctor and Abigail, when he comes to research the allegations of black magic in Salem. Huge numbers of the play’s key thoughts are presented here, including Proctor and Abigail’s issue, â€Å"John I am waitin’ for you consistently. Her inspiration for her future conduct is foreshadowed when she answers: â€Å"A wild thing may express wild things. † This features her hesitance to comply with the social and social estimations of Salem. This incorporates contextualisation of the scene, for the marker, j ust as a method, and model and the impact, all things considered, In your investigation you are not confined to utilizing direct statements as proof for your contention. Think about Miller’s compelling utilization of spot. His picked residential setting of the room underlines the unseemly idea of their relationship.Furthermore, you could consolidate this with examining Miller’s utilization of stage heading to increase the emotional pressure, for instance Abigail carries on â€Å"Tauntingly† towards Proctor, â€Å"grasping his and before he can discharge her†. Composing an exposition for the HSC doesn’t must be hard. 800-1000 words shortly may appear to be a great deal, yet on the off chance that you see how to make your all-inclusive reaction, everything turns out to be a lot simpler. It is significant that after you have wrapped up the module you continue composing reactions about having a place, to keep your contentions alive and your procedure s olid.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Music and brain function free essay sample

The world is loaded up with music. We hear it out in our rooms, our vehicles, in the rec center, and practically anyplace were we can connect our earphones. There are a wide range of music kinds, in any case. What's more, It has as of late been appeared to have a staggering measure of control over our bodies. Fix Brain Damage Music Is ready to take stroke, injury or other mind harmed patients who have lost the halfway capacity to see or talk and return It to them. The Kenny Rogers Effect takes patients with visual disregard, the failure to perceive half of what they see, and helps the impacts of the damage.Patients with left-side mind harm who can no longer talk can discover they can sing words, regularly without inconvenience or preparing. From that point forward, its Just a short time before theyre ready to talk straightforward sentences with some training. We will compose a custom paper test on Music and mind work or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page How Can it Work? Melodic inflection treatment, or singing until you can talk, exploits the way that language capacities are situated in the left mind, yet music lives over on the correct side of the cerebrum. In this way, when you lose your capacity to talk, you can prepare your cerebrum to move those capacities to the opposite side by partner music with language.Listening o music you appreciate has an extra impact, since pleasurable music discharges dopamine that essentially makes certain pieces of your mind work better (especially If they were harmed previously). Kick an Addiction incidentally, performing music can be unwinding and can make an interruption from withdrawal indications; songwriting can assist patients with going up against drive control and self-trickiness and permits a yield for negative feelings It has even been discovered that tuning in to music can help the disentangle phase of recuperation from chronic drug use, and whenever applied oftentimes could eliminate the quantity of torment executioners patients need.How Does it Work? Music legitimately influences synthetic substances called synapses, which transfer data in our mind. Medications work along these lines, aside from they make your mind languid and persuade it to quit making its own synthetic compounds. In any case, when you quit ingesting medications, your cerebrum isnt making enough synthetic concoctions and it doesnt know why since it depends on those medications to get enough, so your body neglects to work effectively. Presenting music can expand levels of certain synthetic substances related with overwhelming addictions, similar to dopamine and audacity. Moreover, certain music brings down things like pulse, circulatory strain, muscle pressure, and so forth. Lift Your Immune System Music may help support your Immune framework. Ongoing investigations have indicated that elusive plinking clamors can make a perceptible increment in recuperation from a wide virus. While the field of study is as yet youthful contrasted with genuine medication like pharmaceuticals things being what they are, at times all you have to defeat your horrendously ailment is some music. Music lessens worry by diminishing cortical levels, a synthetic in your cerebrum that causes {oh to feel worry in the first place.Jazz, twang and delicate stone have been seen as particularly viable at decreasing pressure and expanding wellbeing due to their comparable melodic characteristics. In the event that youre thinking about whether your preferred music is helping your wellbeing, a great inquiry to pose is, Does this music make me need to revolt? On the off chance that you addressed indeed, at that point its likely not an ideal medication. Notwithstanding basically bringing down feelings of anxiety, music likewise brings safe markers up in your framework, making more antibodies to battle disease.This impact is aggravating: Over time, the body can figure out how to perceive specific sorts of music (especially ensemble or traditional music) as Immune boosting, proceeding with the improvement of the safe framework. Forestall Seizures news: If youre not one a little % to get seizures from music, you might be one of he more fortunate ones who profit by diminished seizure action because of tuning in to music. This impact has even been seen in unconsciousness patients. Its been demonstrated that music by Mozart played on the piano lessens seizure-causing movement in the cerebrum Nothing five minutes of presentation, with numerous cases indicating prompt results.Experimentation with different types of music has been insignificant, yet for reasons unknown there seems, by all accounts, to be an association between our minds and piano music. How Does it Nor? Its guessed that the super association of the cerebral cortex . .. May resound Ninth the prevalent engineering of Mozart music Scientists truly havent made sense of it yet. Yet, it has appeared to help sometimes. Return Lost Memories If you have Listeners music could assist you with recollecting bits of your past.Medical specialists have discovered that music demonstrates the possibility to uncover recollections related with music for patients, even ones in late phases of dementia. How Can it Listening to music connects with numerous territories of the cerebrum in the two halves of the globe, which is the reason it can make mind action different strategies, similar to discussion, cant. Another zone it draws in is the hippopotamus, which handles long haul memory stockpiling. At the point when you tune in to music you know, emotions related with the melody are returned by the hippopotamus. Now and then the recollections even figure out how to join the applicable feelings.Even if recollections arent recuperated, feelings and mentalities are, giggle and chime in with old melodies that they love. Increment Spatial Reasoning If just there were some approach to cause yourself to appear to be more brilliant without working. Gracious, Anita, there is. Mozart music, particularly piano music, can raise your spatial thinking what could be compared to nine IQ focuses. Furthermore, that is a normal, which means there are a few people who get considerably to a greater degree a lift from it. How Can it Work? There are a ton of hypotheses, yet some case that Mozart music centers the audience more. Others state it expands movement in critical districts of the brain.No one truly knows why it works Cure Parkinson At this point, you might be asking, Sure, music can fix my cerebrum, however would it be able to fix my body? On the off chance that you have Parkinson sickness, music Just may have the option to help. Survivors of Parkinson experience the ill effects of muscle fits, locking muscles, and parity issues. Notably, applying music can in a flash purpose the physical issues of Parkinson in numerous casualties. Take Range Seedling, who was determined to have Parkinson in 2003 and hill she had muscle fits, balance issues and trouble strolling. The sickness in the long run prompted a genuine fall in the shower.Things were looking quite inauspicious until one day she discovered she could tune in to music and out of nowhere have the option to move effortlessly, the kind of music deciding the speed she strolls at. We Are the Champions let her walk a moderate clasp and Born in the USA made her move even quicker. En youre secured your room, tuning in to your old Ann.s CDC, have you at any point seen your foot tapping all alone? That is not Just in light of the fact that you have horrendous preference for music. This is on the grounds that the bits of the cerebrum which manage cadence and intense are robotized to the point that it requires no cognizant thoughtfulness regarding move to a beat.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Business Grant Proposal Writing Help

Business Grant Proposal Writing Help Business Grant Proposal Writing Help For every business grants agency that offers business grants there are people out there who want to apply for one. If you submit a business grant proposal, you can stand out from the crowd. Â  The question is, how to write a business grants proposal. If you want to be among the few who get your business grant proposal application approved here is a tip: take a look at a sample business grant proposal which you will find online. First you have to make sure that your business idea is different. You can get in touch with the business grants agency and ask them if you can read any previous business proposal for a grant that was approved. Glance through the business grant proposal to see what made it stand out and use this as a guideline. Find out what are the requirements for getting your business grant proposal approved. You should also make a note of the deadline for the application. Note that only impressive business grant proposals will get approved so you should be logical and concise in your proposal. You will also need a business team and a budget plan to help you do this. When you write a business grant proposal, include all the essentials in it. Ideally you should start with a summary of your business ideas and Grant proposal example; your mission statement and objectives should be next. Then you introduce yourself and your partners. You should also have an in-depth budget plan that has details about future funding for your business grant proposal. The summary is really important in a business proposal for a grant and it should pique the interest of the grant giving organization. Most proposals are rejected because the summaries are not strong enough. Make sure you use documentation, reports and any statistics you might have to support your business grant proposal. You can check with professionals in your area to get more experience in this. Studying the competition is also a good idea. Analyze what they do and their products and explain how your business will outdo theirs in the market. If you have no experience in writing a business grant proposal, hiring a professional grant writer is a good option.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Hume †Concerning Human Understanding.David Hume’S...

Hume – Concerning Human Understanding David Hume’s epistemological argument revolves around an empiricist school of thought, where sense impressions and experience are the foundations of human knowledge and understanding. Hume’s concept of human reason or enquiry is divided into two types, relation of ideas, which are propositions that are intuitively certain, and matters of fact, which depend on existents for their evidence (Hume 1993: 15). This paper will outline Hume’s argument against conclusions about cause and effect being based on reason, as well as the consequences that accompany this method of knowledge. Finally, I will conclude by explaining why I disagree with Hume’s philosophy. The main argument concerning Hume’s†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, based on that observed phenomena, we can infer future phenomena of similar nature. More specifically, we can base our knowledge of future events by recalling past experiences (Hu me 1993: 21). Hume’s concept of cause and effect, however, does not come without consequences. These consequences are tied to logical reasoning regarding an event. In other words, we merely think that a fact is a fact because we assume that fact is caused by a previous experience. Furthermore, we assume events regarding cause and effect simply because we have witnessed similar events occur in the past, and therefore the same conclusion must follow. However, this is where the implication lies, that there is no logical reason to assume that an event or thing is caused by another, the only evidence we have of such an event is experience itself (Hume 1993: 22). To further clarify, Hume uses the example of a loaf of bread. A loaf of bread has certain consistency, weight, texture, as well as nourishment that follows its consumption. Hume claims that inferring that an object that we see in the future that has the same characteristics as the loaf of bread we first saw, so it must fol low that eating it will also provide us with nourishment (Hume 1993: 22-23). The problem

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Music As A Universal Experience - 1375 Words

Music used as an Educational Tool in Advanced Higher Learning Tennessee State University Miller, Cordell 4/21/2016 Musical Minds â€Å"Musical is a universal experience. With few exceptions, all humans perceive musical pitch, tone, timbre, and harmony. We listen to music to relax, to help us think, to celebrate, and grieve. Our emotional responses to music have been noted in literature, poetry, and drama. The power of music to evoke an emotional response is used by advertising companies, film directors, and mothers singing their babies to sleep. Early education teachers are familiar with using music and rhythm as tools for learning language and building memory. (Foran, 2009) Several musical melodies are used in grade school to learn information. Music is used in my math classes across the world to enhance the learning process of formulas. English classes use music help children learn prepositional phrases, adjectives, adverbs, noun, and etc. However, after most scholars reached a certain grade level, using music to achieve new heights academically became a technique of the past. Most instructors didn’ t bother using music in order to help retain information. It was almost as if it was forgotten about. But, if music is so important why isn’t it allowed in most classrooms today? Many teachers are not fond of music in the classroom. To many, it is seen as a distraction. Is it the type of music a person chooses to listen to? Would it be different if the music chosen byShow MoreRelatedQuestions On The Basic Elements Of Music859 Words   |  4 Pages What are the basic elements of music? The basic elements of music include: pitch, rhythm, beat, tempo, dynamics, timbre, melody, harmony and form. It appears other questions ask for the definition of these terms. Therefore, I assume this is the answer for this question. 2. What is pitch? Pitch is the frequency of a sound. Basically, this means it correlates to how high or low the tone sounds. In the West, there are typically 12 different pitches used in music. A octave is the repetition of theseRead MoreClassical Music And Its Influence On The Modern World1430 Words   |  6 Pages There are many types of music in the world, with many different artists, backgrounds, and stories to tell. Every genre holds within itself a message, and this message shows a glimpse of the past as well as the possibilities of the future. People everywhere love music for these reasons and more, and I love one style of music in particular: a style that brings me comfort, makes me question the world, and gives me insight as to who I am. Classical music describes a genre that, for me, means more thanRead MoreThe Blues, A Genre Of Music905 Words   |  4 Pagesblack and from the south to play the blues? 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Accounting for Business

Question: Discuss about the Financial Statement Analysis. Answer: Introduction The main purpose of the assignment is to bring out the financial statement analysis figures of BWX Limited. BWX is vertically integrated body, hair as well as skin care company with Head Office located in South Victoria of Melbourne (Williams 2012). It operates in core activities like new product development as well as manufacturing activities; BWX is the owner, distributor as well as producer of top brands namely Sukin, Uspa as well as Edward Beale and Renew Skincare. Financial Statement Analysis Identifying balance sheet figures of BWX Limited Current Assets of BWX Limited Current assets indicate in the balance sheet statement of BWX Limited. It helps in representation of values of assets at particular time. Some of the current account figures include accounts receivables, cash equivalents, stock and prepaid expenses (Epstein and Lee 2011). BWX Limited 2014 ($ Million) 2015 ($ Million) Current Assets 36857 38822 Table: Current Assets of BWX Limited This particular analysis is presented in form of tables and graphs that represents total current assets of BWX Limited from the year 2014 and 2015. In the year 2014, total current assets arise at 36857 and 38822 in the year 2015. On critical analysis, it is noticed that total current assets increases in between two years on company BWX Limited (Duska, Duska and Ragatz 2011). Increased current assets in the recent financial year depicts that BWX Limited can manage with the expenses and pay out for day-to-day running of business organization in certain way. It ensures meeting short-term obligations of BWX Limited for smooth functioning of business organization. Non-Current Assets of BWX Limited Non-current assets indicate assets in case of unrestricted cash for given period up to one year. It comes under balance sheet figures for specified time. It reports under headings including PPE intangibles for future analysis purpose. BWX Limited 2014 ($ Million) 2015 ($ Million) Non-Current Assets 26780 29969 Table: Non-Current Assets of BMX Limited This particular analysis is presented in form of tables and graphs that represents total non-current assets of BWX Limited from the year 2014 and 2015. In the year 2014, total non-current assets arise at 26780 and 29969 in the year 2015. On critical analysis, it is noticed that total current assets increases in between two years on company BWX Limited. Increase in non-current assets reveals the fact that BWX Limited has the ability in converting long-term assets in the near future (Deegan and Unerman 2011). Current Liabilities of BWX Limited It is important to understand the term current liabilities as it reveals obligations for period less than one year at specified date. Current liabilities indicate in the liabilities section of balance sheet statements. It initiates creation of liabilities for future analysis purpose. BWX Limited operates in cycle for a period longer than 1 year. It indicates ways in form of principal portion shown in the notes payable section for one year time (Davies and Crawford 2012). Current liabilities figures include accounts payable, sundry creditors and accrued expenses at the same time. It involves specified parties that owes current liabilities as well as referred in form of creditors in an overall manner. Most of the creditors shows lien in case of current assets in response with secured creditors. BWX Limited 2014 ($ Million) 2015 ($ Million) Current Liabilities 1024 1229 Table: Current Liabilities of BMX Limited This particular analysis is presented in form of tables and graphs that represents total current liabilities of BWX Limited from the year 2014 and 2015. In the year 2014, total liabilities arise at 1024 and 1229 in the year 2015. On critical analysis, it is noticed that total current liabilities increases in between two years on company BWX Limited. It is necessary in checking current liabilities in the near future (Barrow 2011). It should reduce in the upcoming year for smooth functioning of business organization. Non-current liabilities of BWX Limited It is essential to understand the fact that BWX Ltd uses non-current liabilities for future analysis purpose. Non-current liabilities figures shown in the balance sheet like long-term borrowings, long term lease obligations and bonds payable. BWX Limited 2014 ($ Million) 2015 ($ Million) Non-current liabilities 126 117 Table: Non-Current Liabilities of BMX Limited This particular analysis is presented in form of tables and graphs that represents total non-current liabilities of BWX Limited from the year 2014 and 2015. In the year 2014, total non-current liabilities arise at 126 and 117 in the year 2015. On critical analysis, it is noticed that total non-current liabilities decreases in between two years on company BWX Limited (Balla 2012). It is revealed that BWX Limited investors shows interest in non-current liabilities in the near future. It is essential for viewing at the debt relative as compared with cash flow operations in the most appropriate way. Stockholders equity of BWX Limited It is important to understand the fact that Stockholders equity reveals equity transactions as indicated in the investment capital from the point of view of investors. It revolves around stock exchange and capital stock in proper ways (Albrecht, Stice and Stice 2011). It ensures capital attributes and profit acquisition for future analysis purpose. It indulges in representation of equity stake as held in book accounts by equity investors in desired form. BWX Limited 2014 ($ Million) 2015 ($ Million) Stockholders equity 8222 9864 Table: Stockholders equity of BWX Limited This particular analysis is presented in form of tables and graphs that represents stockholders equity of BWX Limited from the year 2014 and 2015. In the year 2014, stockholders equity arises at 8222 and 9864 in the year 2015. On critical analysis, it is noticed that t stockholders equity increases in between two years on company BWX Limited. Increased stockholders equity helps BWX Limited in acquisition of more shares for better allocation of resources in the most appropriate way. Identifying income statement figures of BWX Limited Total operating revenues of BWX Limited Operating revenues of BWX Limited reveals income from derivation of potential sources for the company in addressing the day-to-day running of business activities. Business organization main objective is to maximize inventory sales and operating revenue in the near future. BWX Limited 2014 ($ Million) 2015 ($ Million) Total operating revenues 670 703 Table: Total operating revenues of BWX Limited This particular analysis is presented in form of tables and graphs that represents total operating revenues of BWX Limited from the year 2014 and 2015. In the year 2014, total operating revenues arise at 670 and 703 in the year 2015. On critical analysis, it is noticed that total operating revenues increases in between two years on company BWX Limited. Increased operating revenues are beneficial for the company and should continue it as far as possible. Net increase implies positive affect in carrying out business actions in the most appropriate way. Cost of goods sold of BWX Limited Cost of Goods Sold derives from direct cost in attribution in production of goods for sale within BWX Limited. Total amount arrives in dedicating cost of materials in creating direct costs and production for goods and services. It ensures excluding expenses like distribution costs and sales force costs at the same time. It initiates income statement accounts and deduction from total revenue in accordance with gross margin figures. BWX Limited 2014 ($ Million) 2015 ($ Million) Cost of goods sold 43320 46252 Table: Cost of goods sold of BWX Limited This particular analysis is presented in form of tables and graphs that represent cost of goods sold of BWX Limited from the year 2014 and 2015. In the year 2014, total current assets arise at 43320 and 46252 in the year 2015. On critical analysis, it is noticed that cost of goods sold increases in between two years on company BWX Limited. Increased cost of goods sold enables smooth operating activities as far as possible. It ensures creation of products as sold in the BWX Limited in form of production purpose. Total Expenses of BWX Limited It is important to understand the concept of total expenses as ij case of measuring total costs from managing and operating investment fund. It includes costs consisting of management fees and additional expenses as indicated in the BWX Limited. It divides into total assets as arrived from percentages in the most appropriate way. BWX Limited 2014 ($ Million) 2015 ($ Million) Total Expenses 4791 5385 Table: Total Expenses of BWX Limited This particular analysis is presented in form of tables and graphs that represents total expenses of BWX Limited from the year 2014 and 2015. In the year 2014, total expenses arise at 4791 and 5385 in the year 2015. On critical analysis, it is noticed that total expenses increases in between two years on company BWX Limited. It is advisable to BWX Limited for reducing the expenses as far as possible. It is income statement figure indicated in the annual reports of BWX Limited. Any non-operating gains and losses of BWX Limited It is important to understand the fact that non-operating income gains reveals organization income in derivation of business operations in relation with non-core operations. Non-operating gains include income, dividend and profits from investment in the most appropriate way. It ensures foreign exchange values, non-operating revenues and writing-off assets. BWX Limited 2014 ($ Million) 2015 ($ Million) Non-operating gains and loses 610 422 Conclusion At the end of the study, it is noticed that BWX Limited should carry out the business in certain ways. The above calculation reveals that BMX Limited should find ways in managing with inventory levels for smooth functioning of business activities. It should acquire more equity shares and reduce in the liabilities as far as possible. It should aim in acquisition of fixed assets in the near future. Reference List Albrecht, W., Stice, E. and Stice, J. (2011).Financial accounting. 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